This blog is for all of you my workshop attendes and others

I have created this blog to give voice to the many thoughts and feelings that emerge from reading about or attending my workshop on emeging from darkness into the light of your own self. I have faced trauma almost from the begining of my life, when I was molested by my grandfather. I feel this lead me into a life in which I made poor choices from a place of worthlessness and then onto broken relationships, auto accidents lost jobs and so on. It was not until I was 60 and began a class called Practitioner I and on into Practitoner II with my Center For Spiritual Living in Santa Rosa, CA that the real me began to emerge. I had lost myself and a series of questions about my choices and forgiveness(who me) work, began to reshape the me. I was really hiding inside myself. Tell me what has broken your heart and what has helped it to heal and together as we talk with one another our hearts will begin to heal and soften so that peace can really show up one persons healed heart at a time

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Emergence Workshop will debut on January 23 and 24 at the Center For Spiritual Living Petaluma call 707-483-7427 for more info